Flexible options to save your practice money!
Traditional payment structure where the practice pays one low price on all transactions taken online. Save money when compared to the major online payment providers.
2.89% + $.25 per transaction
Hybrid payment structure where the practice pays one price far below the average for an online transaction. There is a small convenience fee added to the transaction at the point of payment.
2.69% + $.19 per transaction
$.99 convenience fee collected at the time of payment from the cardholder.
Cash discount processing. The practice pays no cost for processing regardless of the type of card used. If your tired of paying tens of thousands to the credit card companies this is the plan for you.
No processing fees charged to the practice.
3.75% service charge on all transactions.
Patients who pay cash receive a 3.75% discount.​
We are happy to discuss custom plans tailored to meet the unique needs of your practice. This can include accepting online payments with no cost to the practice.