Collect donations, not processing fees
Fundraising made easy
Maximize fundraising efforts by making it easy for those to donate. Our technology will help you collect more and track it easier than ever before.
Thanks to PayLo technology donations will go towards your cause, not processing fees.
PayLo technology eliminates traditional processing fees!
Accept donations on any internet capable device. No need for additional equipment.
Custom fields to tag transactions with your own information
Hosted payment pages for easy online donation acceptance
Collect from any smartphone
Turbo charge your collection efforts by eliminating bottle necks for collecting payment.
No need to purchase additional equipment. Any internet capable device can collect.
Record and track cash donations in the same system.
Data encryption ensures all information is safe.
Instantly email receipts for both credit card and cash donations.
Hosted Payment Pages
A hosted payment page is custom page on our secure servers for you to collect payment. Think of it like a guest checkout. This keeps sensitive data off your server and can even allow you to take payments online with no website at all.
Easily create a secure page hosted on our servers to accept online payment.
Customize the page to capture the information your organization needs
Automatic email receipts with Thank You messages
All transactions are archived and searchable from any internet capable device for easy reporting.